IIT-ISM Dhanbad Recruitment As Junior Research Fellow

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IIT-ISM Dhanbad Recruitment: Application invited for the post of JRF under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) project at IIT-ISM Dhanbad. The eligibility detail and applying process further given below in the article.

So Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad a public technical and research university located in Dhanbad, India. It is an Institute of National Importance. IIT has 18 academic departments covering Engineering, Applied Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences and Management programs.

IIT-ISM Dhanbad Recruitment:

Title of The Project

Design and Development of Deployable thin Film based Evanescent Field Sensor to Check the Quality of Food from Adulteration

Tenure of Project

Maximum 2 Years or till the end of the projects whichever is earlier

Job Description

The position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project, which is sanctioned for maximum period of 2 more years.

Essential Qualification

Possessing B.E. /MB Tech. or equivalent degree in Electronics and Communication/Electronics/Electronics and Instrumentation/Photonics domain etc. with 55% marks and passing of NET/GATE. Apart from that M. Tech. a degree in a relevant field is desirable.

Desirable Qualification

At least must have the Basic knowledge of Optical fiber communication subject along with the design and analysis of Photonics sensor. Software knowledge includes COMSOL and MATLAB.

Age and Relaxation
  • Firstly you the Upper age limit 28 years as on the last date of application.
  • Secondly, SC/ST/OBC/Women/Physically handicapped candidates will be given age relaxation for 5 years as per CSIR guidelines

Rs. 31,000/- per month (+ 16% HRA as applicable) for the first 2 Years subject to availability of fund. Also, CSIR approval is required before releasing the first fellowship to the selected candidate.

How to Apply?

So You have to send The Applications along with complete bio-data mentioning the project number and title along with attested copies of mark-sheets must reach the principal investigator at the address given above the latest by 19/10/2020 (Monday: 5 PM) with softcopy on Email: sanjeevrus77@iitism.ac.in.

Application Deadline

Oct 19, 2020


Phone: 09471191354

For more details, click the link below.

Junior Research Fellow at IIT-ISM Dhanbad

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