JNU Recruitment 2020 As Junior Research Fellows (Under DST Funded Project)

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JNU Recruitment 2020:Application invited for the post of Junior Research Fellows (Under DST Funded Project)  in the field of Data Science/ Bioinformatics for an extra-mural project. The eligibility detail and applying process further given below in the article.

Jawaharlal Nehru University is a public central university located in New Delhi, India. It’s established in 1969 and named after Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister. also, The university is known for leading faculties and research emphasis on liberal arts and applied sciences. the bill for the establishment of Jawaharlal Nehru University was placed in the Rajya Sabha on 1 September 1965 by the then minister of education M. C. Chagla.

JNU Recruitment 2020:


Junior Research Fellow (02)

Project Title

Data Reduction technologies for genomics and transcriptomics data sets funded by Data Science Cluster Project under Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems under Department of Science and Technology (DST-ICPS).

  • At least The incumbents must have cleared CSIR/ UGC JRF examination or have passed an M. Tech. degree in Data Science/ Bioinformatics or a related area.
  • So you must have strong programming skills that’s expecte from you.
  • Previous experience of working on Biological/ Medical data sets, particularly genomics, medical diagnostics or NGS data analysis is desirable.

Standard JRF salaries as per the rules of DST, Government of India applicable from time to time. At this time this salary roughly expected to be Rs 25,000 plus 30% HRA per month, but the exact details will be notified in the offer letter to the selected candidates.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates can apply for the above posts by the further below link. The last date to apply is October 12, 2020.

To Apply: clicking here.

The deadline to apply is October 15, 2020. Interviews likely to be held in the end of October.

For full notification, click the link below.

JNU, New Delhi DST Project Recruitment Notification

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