IIP Recruitment 2021: Indian Institute of Packaging an autonomous body under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India invites applications from suitable candidates to be engaged on a purely Contractual Basis through IIP Manpower Agency for the One State Five Products Project & One District One Product Project (ODOP). The detailed IIP criteria and IIP application form apply online process for IIP off-campus drive further given below in the article.
So, IIP an autonomous body under MOCI, Govt. of India provides packaging training, testing, certification, consultancy.
IIP Recruitment 2021:
Post Details
1. SRF
- No. of Posts: 03 (Two Packaging Design Professionals & One Packaging Professional)
- Qualification: Post graduate degree in Designing/ Packaging/ Material Technology / Packaging Technology / Pulp & Paper Technology/ Polymer Technology/ Chemical Technology/Agricultural Science /Engineering/ Technology /equivalent qualification with One Year Experience or Ph. D.in Designing/Science/Engineering/Technology
- Salary: Rs. 40,000/- (consolidated)
2. Young Professional
- No. of Posts: 02
- Qualification: Post Graduation/Graduation degree in Science or equivalent with a minimum of three years experience.
- Salary: Rs. 40,000/- (consolidated)
3. Supporting Staff
- No. of Posts: 01
- Qualification: Graduation Degree in computer science/typing with one year experience.
- Salary: As per IIP norms.
How to Apply?
Biodata in the given prescribed format along with copies of certificates, mark sheets, experience certificates etc. and a brief write up supporting the candidature/suitability for the desired contractual post shall be submitted in sealed envelope superscribing the name of the post applied for along with the subject “Application for requirement of manpower for One State Five Products Project & One District One Product Project (ODOP)” addressed to The Assistant Director (General Admin. & IT), IIP, Plot E2, MIDC Area, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400093.
Application Deadline
April 21, 2021
For further detail: Click here
Must intested in IIITDM Jabalpur Recruitment 2020 | As JRF Under DST Funded Projec