IIT Bhubaneswar Recruitment 2020: Applicants invited for the job post as the vacant positions in a purely time-bound Project Positions (Under DST Funded Project) undertaken in the School of Infrastructure at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bhubaneswar. The detailed eligibility and applying process further given below in the article.
So Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (IIT Bhubaneswar or IIT BBS) a public technical and research university established by the government of India in 2008, located at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. Also, It’s one of the eight new Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India under The Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2011 which establishes the eight new IITs as well as declares IT-BHU as Indian Institute of Technology.
IIT Bhubaneswar Recruitment 2020:
Also, The Act was passed in the Lok Sabha on 24 March 2011 and by the Rajya Sabha on 30 April 2012. Moreover, It started functioning from the campus of IIT Kharagpur on 23 July 2008 and shifted its operation to the city of Bhubaneswar on 22 July 2009.
- Research Associate‐I (RA‐I): 2 posts
- Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Senior Research Fellow (SRF): 1 post
Project Title
Also the title of the project Study of the Effects of Climate Change on Hydro‐meteorological processes: Droughts and Floods at Different Spatial and Temporal Scales in Eastern India funded by DST, Govt. of India.
Eligibility Criteria
For Research Associate-I
- Must have At least a Ph.D. in Hydrology/ Water Resources Engineering or equivalent/ Meteorology/ Climatology. OR
- Also an M.E./ M.Tech. in the aforesaid disciplines with 3 years of pertinent research experience.
- At least one good publication in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
- Last, the Candidate having relevant research experience, particularly field experience and with additional relevant journal publications in the pertinent area will be preferred.
Moreover, B.Tech in Civil Engg./ Agricultural Engg. & M.Tech in Water Resources Engg./ Soil & Water Conservation Engg./ Land & Water Resources Engg./ Hydrology.
Same as JRF with 2 years of experience. For JRF & SRF positions, GATE qualified candidates will be preferred.
- RA‐I: Rs. 47,000/‐ per month + HRA @16%
- SRF: Rs. 35,000/‐ per month + HRA @16%
- JRF: Rs. 31,000/‐ per month + HRA @16%
From the date of joining to the end of the project i.e up to 31st March 2021.
How to Apply?
Interested candidates can apply online by the further below link. The last date to apply is October 12, 2020.
To Apply: clicking here.
For full notification, click the link below.
IIT Bhubaneswar DST Project Positions Recruitment Notification
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