IIT Kanpur Certificate Courses: IIT Kanpur is conducting the Advanced Certification in Cloud Computing in collaboration with Edureka. The eligibility detail and process of applying is discussed further below in the article.
The demand for Cloud Computing professionals is expected to rise exponentially with more and more companies switching from the classical server infrastructure to cloud solutions.
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur is a public technical and research university located in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. So It was declared to be an Institute of National Importance by the Government of India under the Institutes of Technology Act.
IIT Kanpur Certificate Courses:
Who is this program for?
Moreover, The demand for Cloud Computing professionals expected to rise exponentially with more and more companies switching from the classical server infrastructure to cloud solutions. However, the supply hasn’t kept up. Thanks to this gap, a large number of highly paid job opportunities for Cloud Computing Experts.
This is a 9-month online program. All the live classes will conducted on weekends. More than 75% of the program will get an instructor-led live classes and about 25% will be self-paced learning.
The course can taken by anyone passionate about Cloud Computing and its applications. You just need a willingness to learn. Learners from diverse backgrounds encouraged to apply.
Topics Covered
- Firstly, Python Scripting & networking
- Secondly, Cloud Computing (Cloud Storage, Computation,Databases, Security,etc)
- Thirdly, Architecting Cloud Solutions
- Foutrhly, Machine Learning on Cloud
- Fifth, Managing and Monitoring Cloud Solutions
- Also, DevOps tools and practices on Cloud
- IOT on Cloud
- Containers in Cloud & Cloud Migration
- Cloud Platforms (AWS, Azure and GCP)
- Salesforce
- Last, Terraform & Microservices
Industry Projects
It’s will be a part of your program to consolidate your learning. Also, Industry projects will ensure you have the real-world experience to start your career in Cloud Computing.
Programme Fee
₹1,97,000 + GST, payable in EMIs.
So You have a chance to win a scholarship upto ₹30,000. For details, visit the link below.
Important Dates
Deadline to apply: Sep 30, 2020.
For full details, visit the link below.
IIT Kanpur’s Cloud Computing Program
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