IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2021 | As Senior Research Fellow Under TATA Funded Project

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IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2021: IIT Kharagpur invites applications for Senior Research Fellow under Tata funded project for the year 2021. The detailed IIT Kharagpur criteria and IIT Kharagpur application form apply online process for IIT Kharagpur off campus drive further given below in the article.

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur is a public technical and research university established by the government of India in 1951. It the first of the IITs to establish and recognize as an Institute of National Importance.

IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2021:

Project Title

Selection of Raw Materials for Additive Manufacturing Applications in Relation to the Design Requirements; and Life Cycle Analysis of Additive Manufacturing Process for Different Materials (ARL).


Essential Qualification: MTech in Mechanical Engg/ Production Engg/ Manufacturing Science/ Design/ Metallurgical and Materials Engineering/ Nanotechnology with first-class all through. Two years of research experience. @35000/-pm. Eligibility criteria may relax for candidates with exceptional academic records/ research and industrial experience.

Experience: Candidate should have experience in Additive manufacturing/ Laser Material Processing/ Powder Materials for AM/ Graphene-related research/ Material characterization / CAD-CAM/ CNC machines/ Simulation for Design and Thermal Analysis.

Age limit: 35 Years


Interested and eligible candidates can register via the further belwo link

To Apply: this page.


Upto Rs. 35000 (depending upon qualification & experience).

Senior Research Fellow Under TATA Funded Project at IIT Kharagpur.

Must be intested in IIITDM Jabalpur Recruitment 2020 | As JRF Under DST Funded Project

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