NIT Tiruchirappalli Recruitment 2021: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Project Staff for the Tata Steel Advanced Materials Research Center (TSAMRC) project. The detailed NIT Tiruchirappalli criteria and NIT Tiruchirappalli application form apply online process for NIT Tiruchirappalli off-campus drive further given below in the article.
So, NIT Tiruchirappalli, through its Vision, Mission and Core Values, defines herself as An Indian institution with world standards. A global pool of talented students committed faculty, and conscientious researchers Responsive to real-world problems and, through a synergy of education and research, engineer a better society.
NIT Tiruchirappalli Recruitment 2021:
Junior Reseach Fellow
QualificationB.E / B. Tech /Civil Engineering and M.E / M.Tech.* Structural Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Water Resources Engineering.
Desirable: Core knowledge in material property testing, solid mechanics and finite element software modelling. Basic knowledge in testing laboratory instrumentation, composites, material characterization and treatment.(* Preferably with GATE score)
Project Staff
Qualification: B.E / B.Tech / Diploma in Civil or Mechanical Engineering from any recognized institute
Desirable: Aptitude in material procurement, experience in material property testing and operation of laboratory equipment such as Universal Testing Machines, specimen casting and preparation. Basic knowledge in strength of materials. Basic oral and written communication in English is desirable.
Job description
Junior Research Fellow
Laboratory preparation of Fiber Reinforced Polymer followed by testing and evaluation of mechanical and thermal properties. Numerical modelling of tested FRP materials in finite element software and simulation of components. Market analysis of developed FRP and market available Glass FRP. Report generation and documentation.
Project Staff
Market search and procurement of raw materials and chemicals. Treatment and preparation of FRP specimens. Testing of specimens including operation of equipment, assistance in experimental setup, instrumentation and field studies.
1 year, will be extended till the completion of project, based on satisfactory performance.
Eligible candidates having experience in the relevant topics may send their applications on prescribed format along with Bio-Data with copy of the relevant supporting documents by email: manju[at], manjuecontent[at] and by speed post/courier to Dr. R. Manjula, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli – 620015 with the subject marked as “Application for the post of JRF/ Project Staff- TSAMRC Project”.
Important date
The last date for receipt of applications is 15.04.2021.
For further detail: Click here
Must intested in IIITDM Jabalpur Recruitment 2020 | As JRF Under DST Funded Projec