Electric Vehicles and Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems by NPC Is conducting a webinar | Registration open

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Webinar on EVs and Grid Integration: The Webinar on EVs AND Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems is conducted by NPC. The registration process and the topic for this webinar are discussed further below in the article.

For the development of smart cities the Efficient urban mobility and urban transport is one of the ten core infrastructures.As compared to the traditional internal combustion engine, electric vehicles (EVs) offer energy-efficient transportation with reduced carbon emissions.Interest the academic and industrial in EVs is to increase leaps and bounds.

Date: 29 Aug 2020

Time: 3 Pm to 5 Pm

Webinar on EVs and Grid Integration:

  • Firstly, you will get to know Electric Vehicles: Classification and Key Components.
  • Secondly, The electric propulsion system.
  • Thirdly they will go through Vector Control, V2G, and G2V.
  • fourthly, Grid Integration of Renewable Energy.
  • fifth, Standards and Grid Synchronization Algorithms.
  • Last on Research Avenues.
Speaker Details :

Dr. Amit Sant did his Ph.D. from IIT,( Delhi). PDF from Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, (Abu Dhabi) and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Dr. Amit Sant Research interests include such as power electronics, electric drives, electric vehicles, grid integration of renewable energy, and power quality enhancement.


The candidate interested can register through the link that is mention further. the Registration fee or this webinar is Rs.650 do register for this webinar.

  • For Registration, candidates can click here.
  • The registration fee: Rs. 650

P. Chitra, Deputy Director AIP-NPC, Chennai
Email: p.chitra[at]npcindia.gov.in, npcaipchn[at]gmail.com
Call: : 9894541770

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For Registion details : click here .

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