BHEL Recruitment 2020: BHEL invites applications for Seven Positions of Young Professional. The position(s) shall be based at New Delhi.The detailed eligibility and applying process further given below in the article.
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited is an Indian public sector engineering and manufacturing company based in New Delhi, India. Established in 1964, BHEL is India’s largest power generation equipment manufacturer.
BHEL Recruitment 2020:
Job description
- For Young Professionals in the area of Corporate Strategy Management: The Young Professional shall assist the Corporate Strategy Management group in the following areas: –
Studying the transformation journeys of successful OEMs, who have diversified their product profile over the last 10 years and identify best practices that can be adopted by BHEL.
Monitor and evaluate progress in key targeted initiatives, raise timely alarms, and suggest course correction measures.
Benchmarking the current policies/ practices (as identified) of BHEL, with global OEMs and other Govt organizations.
Give inputs regarding the company’s branding & image building, with a special focus on social media.
Scanning business opportunities in line with the country’s investment plans.
Working at Identifying marketing strategies for identified products/ sectors for diversification.
Provide inputs for review meetings between Top Management for feedback and further implementation.
Any other tasks which may be assigned from time to time. - For Young Professionals in the area of Corporate Finance: The Young Professional shall assist the Corporate
- Finance group in the following areas: –
Financial Evaluation of various transformation initiatives proposed to be undertaken.
Study of the economic viability of entry into new product lines/markets.
Treasury management including inter-alia different short term and long term modes of borrowings and investments.
Studying financial processes and benchmarking with best practices in the peer group.
Any other tasks which may be assigned from time to time. - For Young Professionals in the area of Corporate HR: The Young Professional shall carry out studies on different HR subjects such as Recruitment, Talent Management, Performance Management, etc. as assigned from time to time, and shall assist BHEL to implement initiatives based on the studies. The Young Professional (s) may be asked to visit different Units and Regions of BHEL to carry out studies and collect required data.
Firstly you Age (as of 01st of December,2020): So The applicant should not be more than 30 years.
Qualification Requirements:
- Firstly, For Young Professionals in the area of Corporate Strategy Management: Post Graduate Degree or 2-year Post Graduate Diploma in Management. Engineering graduates from reputed institutions will get preference.
- Secondly, For Young Professionals in the area of Corporate Finance: Post Graduate Degree or 2-year Post Graduate Diploma in Management, with specialization in Finance.
- Thirdly, For Young Professionals in the area of Corporate HR: Post Graduate Degree or 2-year Post Graduate Diploma in Management, with specialization in HR Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma should be attained from any of the IIMs or top 50 Management Institutes as per rankings released by MHRD under National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), with a minimum 70% aggregate or CGPA of 7.0 out of 10. (List of top 50 management institutes as per NIRF enclosed). Note: Wherever CGPA is not of 10, the same shall be proportionately derived out of 10.
Experience: So The applicant should have minimum two years’ work experience (as on 01st day of of December, 2020), which can be either prior or post to attaining PG degree or a two-year PG Diploma in management.
Also, the fee of Rs. 80,000/- per month. Moreover, In addition to the monthly consolidated fee, they shall be eligible for reimbursement of annual premium up to Rs 3500 + GST for mediclaim policy of family (i.e. self and spouse).
If you Further, completion of the assignment, the Young Professionals shall be given a lump sum amount which shall be derived from the duration of the engagement. i.e. the amount shall be equal to Rs 10,000 x no. of months of engagement for successful completion of the assignment.
Important dates
- Opening date of Online Application 09/12/2020
- Last date of submission of Complete Application with uploaded documents 31/12/2020
Interested candidates can apply online for the same via the further below link
To Apply: this page.
Young Professionals at BHEL, Delhi.
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