DST Recruitment 2020: The Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India invites applications from young scientists for the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)-Young Scientist Conclave 2020. The detailed eligibility and applying process further given below in the article.
So The Department of Science and Technology is a department within the Ministry of Science and Technology in India. Moreover, It was established in May 1971 to promote new areas of science and technology and to play the role of a nodal department for organising, coordinating and promoting Scientific and Technological activities in the country. It gives funds to various approved scientific projects in India. It also supports various researchers in India to attend conferences abroad and to go for experimental works.
DST Recruitment 2020:
As a follow of the fifth session of Heads of Ministries and Departments of Science and Technology of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) the Member States, at which the huge talent pool of young scientists has been recognized as a potential tool to foster innovative research among the SCO nations, the first SCO-Young Scientists Conclave is being held in India in 2020, as an integral part of SCO Young Scientists Forum (SCO YSF).
The SCO YSF with the objective of providing a unique opportunity to the youth in their Member States to interact, network and collaborate with their counterparts to address pertinent challenges in emerging areas of science and technology has accepted the proposal of India to host and organize the 1st SCO-Young Scientists Conclave in India during 24-28 November 2020.
Apart from establishing sustainable cooperation including access to the state of the art R&D and analytical facilities, it also aims at harnessing the intrinsic ability of unconventional and lateral thinking, ideology, and innovative caliber of the young minds and make their scientific and technological presence felt in today’s world.
Conclave Scope
The conclave facilitates:
- Firstly, the Creation of connectivity and networking among the SCO youth to harness their knowledge for addressing common societal challenges through research and innovation and strengthen the advancement of complementary skills and research competencies of youth drawn from science, engineering, and allied disciplines.
- Secondly, the Creation of consortia of young scientists, professionals, innovators, and entrepreneurs to conduct joint R&D activities.
- Thirdly, Preparation of next-generation scientific leadership in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) and future-readiness among Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Professionals.
- Fourthly, Building SCO scientific identity in STI through creative youth.
- Fifthly, Provide access to large scale research infrastructure and unique analytical facilities.
- Last, Create internship and training opportunities for young researchers.
This Conclave proposes to bring together the innovative young minds from SCO Member States on to a common platform in virtual mode to discuss issues like, ‘ways and means to bring in transformative changes to address the societal challenges through scientific and technological interventions.
This will also facilitate the confluence of ideas to resolve specific problems of Member States. Thus, the Conclave aims to seed an SCO scientific identity through the establishment of a network of young talents across these Member States.
Thematic Area
Out of many challenges pervading the SCO Member States that deserve S&T interventions, the following thematic areas are chosen to promote collaborative work in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) among the Member States:
- Agriculture and food processing.
- Sustainable energy and energy storage.
- Biotechnology and bioengineering.
- Combating COVID-19 and emerging pandemics through research and innovation.
- Environmental protection and natural resource management.
Eligibility Criteria
Young bright academicians/ scientists/ engineers/ technologists/ innovators/ tech entrepreneurial; start-up professionals working in the above mentioned thematic areas with age not exceeding 35 years as of 1st November 2020.
The selected candidates will be given an opportunity to present their scientific research; in the related thematic session highlighting the scientific and technical work, novel ideas/ prototypes developed by them. Also, In addition, they will have ample opportunities to interact among themselves which may allow the formulation of collaborative projects(s); in the future to address contemporary challenges in science & technology in SCO nations.
Selection Criteria
The selection of Indian young scientists for participation in the 1st SCO-YSC-; shall make by an Expert Selection Committee to constitute by DST. The selection shall be based on the assessment of the novelty of research work carried out; its contemporary relevance for SCO and global context, innovation, and; the academic credentials of the candidate. Candidates selected for participation in the conclave will get the information through email most likely in the first week of November 2020.
How to Apply?
To download the application form, click here.
All the candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria required to send their applications in the prescribed proforma along with their Curriculum Vitae/ Bio-data and a digital photo on or before 2nd November 2020 through e-mail to arvind.kumar71@nic.in.
The application should endorse by the Head of the Institution. No hard copies of applications required to sent.
For full notification, click the link below.
SCO-Young Scientist Conclave 2020 by DST, Govt. of India
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