IIT Kharagpur Course: Course on Introduction to Glass Science & Technology by IIT Kharagpur. The detailed eligibility and applying process further given below in the article.
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur is a public technical and research university established by the government of India in 1951. About the course so The term glass, in popular usage, is often used to refer only to this type of material, although silica-free glasses often have desirable properties for applications in modern communications. aslo The refractive, reflective and transmission proper ties of glass make glass suitable for optical lenses, prisms, optical fibers, and optoelectronics materials. When extruded as glass fiber and matted as glass wool so as to trap air, it becomes a thermal insulating material.
IIT Kharagpur Course:
Course objective
The objective of the course is to provide a broad overview about glassy materials to the participants. It is an amalgamation of various scientific and technological aspects associated with the commercial production of glassy materials.
The course will first discuss about glass and their importance in modern and ancient times, how they are formed or what governs their transition to a glassy state, what are their structures in the atomic and microstructural level and how to engineer with this microstructure. It will then turn towards the commercial production of glasses with a detailed discussion about the integrated technological aspects.
Finally, it will deal with the mechanical properties of glassy materials and various ways to alter them so as to meet required property specifications. At the end, the course will shift focus to certain special types of glassy materials like bulk metallic glass, glassceramics, borosilicate glass, non-oxide glass, chalcogenide glass, optical fibres etc. The course content will be spread over 30 working hours (6 hours per day)
- Introduction to glass
- Glass transformation behaviour (Enthalpy vs. temperature diagram, glass transition)
- Principles of glass formation
- Structures of glasses
- Phase transformations and microstructure development in glass
- Crystallization of glasses
- Phase separation in glasses
- Glass manufacturing: Principles and processes
- Viscosity of glass forming melts
- Viscoelasticity
- Mechanical properties of glass
- Strengthening of glasses (heat strengthening, thermal tempering, ion exchange, chemical strengthening etc.)
- Statistical nature of fracture of glasses
- Thermal shock and annealing of thermal stresses
- Special glass and glass materials
- Laboratory visits
- Practical experience of glass melting
- Characterization of glass
Must have at least a B.E. / B.Tech in Ceramic Engineering, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nanoscience, and Nanotechnology M.Sc- Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science.
- All the Interested candidates can register online via this page.
- For others – Industry personnel: 5000/-, Outside student: 2000/-, IIT Kharagpur student: 1000/-
Registration deadline
Last date of registration: 10 Dec 2020.
Dr. Shibayan Roy, Assistant Professor,
Phone: +91-3222-283962
Email: shibayan[at]matsc.iitkgp.ac.in
Course on Introduction to Glass Science & Technology at IIT Kharagpur.
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