IIT Delhi Recruitment 2020: IIT Delhi invites applications for Principal Project Scientist & Sr. Project Scientist for the year 2020. Interested candidates can check the detail and application process that’s given further below in the article.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi one of the 23 IITs created to be Centres of Excellence for training, research, and development in science, engineering, and technology in India. So Established as College of Engineering in 1961, the Institute later declared as an Institution of National Importance under the “Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 1963”; and also renamed as “Indian Institute of Technology Delhi”. then accorded the status of a Deemed University with powers to decide its own academic policy, to conduct its own examinations, and to award its own degrees.
IIT Delhi Recruitment 2020:
Post details
- Firstly, Project title: Enhancing India’s Policy Analysis Capabilities to Meet Energy and Environment Challenges.
- Funding Agency: Children’s Investment Funds Foundations, U.K
- PI: Prof. Ambuj D. Sagar
- Firstly, Principle Project Scientist: Ph.D. in Atmospheric/ Oceanic/ Climate Sciences/ Meteorology (or related field) with first class at the preceding degree OR M. Tech. 1st class or equivalent in Atmospheric/Oceanic/Climate
Sciences/ Meteorology (or related field) with 6 years’ experience. also Have an Experience: Candidate should have demonstrated experience of performing numerical simulations using a global or regional climate model on an HPC system and advanced statistical analysis of climate data. Publications in reputed international peer-reviewed journals required. - Also Sr Project Scientist: 1st class M.Sc. degree in Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics/ Atmospheric/ Oceanic/ Climate
Sciences/ Meteorology with NET/GATE* and 3 years’ experience OR 1st class M.Tech. or equivalent degree in Atmospheric/ Oceanic/ Climate Science/ Meteorology. Experience: Candidate should have demonstrated experience of performing numerical simulations using a global or regional climate model on an HPC system and/ or analysis of large climate datasets. *The requirement of NET/GATE qualification may be relaxed by the Committee in case of highly meritorious candidates.
How to apply?
Candidates can submit the form that is further given below with complete information regarding educational qualifications indicating the percentage of marks/division, details of work experience, etc. by e-mail with advertisement No. on the subject line to Prof. Ambuj D. Sagar at email id: asagar[at]iitd.ac.in.
Form: duly filled form
Important date
The last date for submitting the completed applications by e-mail is 03/10/2020 by 5.00 p.m.
- Principle Project Scientist: Rs.56,000-60,000-64,000-69,000-74,000-79,000/- p.m. plus HRA @ 24%
- Sr Project Scientist: Rs.45,000-48,200-51,400-55,400-59,400-63,400/- p.m. plus HRA @ 24%
Project Scientists at IIT Delhi.
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