MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2020: Applicants invited for the job post for the faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor, from Indian Nationals possessing excellent academic record, commitment to quality teaching, the potential for carrying out outstanding research, and inclination towards institutional development. the detailed eligibility and applying process further given below in the article.
So Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur is one among 31 NITs established by GOI, an Institution of National importance declared by the Act of Parliament and a premier technical Institution of the country, offering several Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Programmes in Engineering, Sciences, Management, Humanities and Social Science and Architecture, and also provides excellent ambience for academic research and co-curricular activities
MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2020:
Assistant Professor
- Firstly, the Department of Mathematics (04)
- Secondly, the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (05)
- Firstly, All the new entrants shall have a Ph.D. in the relevant or equivalent discipline and shall have first class in preceding degrees. Here, ‘preceding degrees’ means Bachelors’ Degree onwards.
- Secondly, In the case of the first class not mentioned in the preceding degrees; then the candidates should have passed and secured at least 6.5 CGPA (on a 10-point scale) or 60% marks in aggregate.
- Thirdly, Conversion from CGPA to the percentage or vice versa given by individual Institute/ University will not consider/ allowed for the determination of eligibility.
- Fourthly, In case the candidate has secure CGPA under any other point scale (other than 10 point scale), then the certificate issued by the authorized signatory; (not the Mentor/ Supervisor/ Head of the department)of the Institute/ University to the effect of having secured first class in such degree must be attached. also Alternately, the CGPA may equivalently converted on 10 point scale for determination of eligibility.
- last, The above-mentioned CGPA/ Percentage/ Degree should award by a recognized University/ Institute.
Fresh appointment beyond the age of 60 years is discouraged except in the case of faculty with exceptionally brilliant research career and with on-going or approved externally funded research projects.
As per the norms, the Institute extends following facilities to its regular faculty members; which may change from time to time:
- Financial assistance for attending national/ international conferences for presenting research papers sponsored training in India and abroad; membership of professional societies, etc, under the scheme of Cumulative Professional Development Allowance (CPDA).
- Suitable in-campus accommodation depending on availability may be provided on the recovery of the license fee as per Institute norms. However, newly recruited faculty members will not be eligible for HRA.
- Medical Facilities to faculty and his/her dependent family members as per Institute norms.
- Reimbursement of tuition fees for children studying up to class XII as per Government of India norms.
- Transportation Allowances as per Government of India norms.
- LTC/ fresh appointee LTC as per Government of India norm
Also Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Statutes; all appointments to posts under the Institute shall be made on probation for a period of one year. Moreover On completion of probation period the appointee, if confirmed, shall continue to hold his/ her office subject to the provisions of the Act and the Statutes; till the end of the month in which he/ she attains the prescribed maximum age for teaching posts; provided that the appointing authority shall have the power to extend the period of probation of any employee of the Institute for such periods as may deem fit.
How to Apply?
Also the Each application must be accompanied by a non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 1000/- (One Thousand only) for Gen / OBC applicants applying from within India; US $ 25/- (US Dollars Twenty-Five only) for Gen / OBC candidates applying from abroad, Rs. 250/- (Two Hundred fifty only) for SC/ ST/ EWS/ DIVYAANG candidates and the US $ 10/- (US Dollars Ten only) in case of SC/ ST/ EWS/ DIVYAANG candidates applying from abroad.
To apply online, click here.
The last date to apply is November 6, 2020.
For full notification, click the link below.
MNIT, Jaipur Faculty Recruitment Notification 2020
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