NIT Tiruchirappalli Recruitment 2020 As Junior Research Fellow

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NIT Tiruchirappalli Recruitment 2020: Applications invited from eligible candidates for the temporary position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) post for SICI sponsored research project titled “Analysis of aerial reflecting intelligent surfaces for application in 6G wireless systems” in the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. The detailed eligibility and applying process further given below in the article.

So National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (also known as NIT Trichy or NITT), formerly called as Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli, a public technical and research university near the city of Tiruchirappalli in Tamil Nadu, India. Also Founded in 1964, it is one of India’s oldest, most selective, and most prestigious technical universities.

NIT Tiruchirappalli Recruitment 2020:

Essential Qualification

Must have at least a B.E/B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering and M.E/M.Tech or Equivalent in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Communication Systems/Signal Processing) with minimum of 65% marks or 7.5 CGPA from any recognized University/Institute.


Rs. 31,000/- + HRA per month for two years. (HRA admissible as per new regulations)

Junior Research Fellow/Project Fellow Under SERB at Central University of Rajasthan: Apply by Dec 7

Duration of Project

2 years


Must have at least a 1 year, will extended further one more year till the completion of the project, based on satisfactory performance.

Job Description
  • Analytical analysis of the network
  • Simulation and verification using MATLAB
  • Documentation of the results.

Junior Research Fellow/Project Fellow at Punjabi University, Patiala: Apply by Dec 4

How to Apply?
  • Eligible candidates may send their applications on the prescribed format along with Bio-Data and supporting documents by post to Dr. P. Sudharsan, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli – 620 015, with a scan copy email to :,, with the subject marked as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF JRF SICI ECE DEPT”. The last date for receipt of applications (hardcopy) is 16.12.2020 by 5.00 P.M.
  • The date of interview will communicate for the shortlisted candidates by e-mail.
  • Selected candidates with M.E/M.Tech qualification will encouraged to register PhD program as per NIT Trichy regulations in the upcoming academic session.
  • Preference will be given to the candidate who is having good academic record, research potential and relevant experience. GATE qualification is an added advantage.
  • No T.A/D.A will be paid for attending the interview.
  • Interview will be held at NIT Tiruchirappalli or virtually.
  • Selected candidates are expected to join immediately.
Application Deadline

Dec 16, 2020

For more details, click the link below.

Junior Research Fellow at NIT Tiruchirappalli

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