PDF Recruitment 2020: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the position of Post-Doctoral Fellowships at the Physical Research Laboratory, Gujarat. The detailed eligibility and applying process further given below in the article.
So The Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) in research areas of the Laboratory is offered for a maximum period of two years. Also, The extension to the 2nd year is subject to the satisfactory annual progress review. Moreover, Candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis or those who are about to submit their Ph.D. thesis can apply.
PDF Recruitment 2020:
The Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) is a National Research Institute for space and allied sciences, supported mainly by the Department of Space, Government of India. This research laboratory has ongoing research programs in astronomy and astrophysics, atmospheric sciences and aeronomy, Earth sciences, Solar System studies, and theoretical physics. It manages the Udaipur Solar Observatory and is located in Ahmedabad.
- Firstly, A thesis submitted but a Ph.D. degree awaited by the scholar ₹ 47,000/- per month.
- Secondly, With Ph.D. degree/ from the day of application for Fellowship Enhancement after the Ph.D. degree is formally awarded by the University/Institute ₹ 49,000/- per month.
- Thirdly, External PDF applicant holding a Ph.D. degree + 2 or more than 2 years of PDF/ Research Associate experience (experience certificate will be required at the time of application) ₹ 54,000/- per month.
An Academic Allowance of ₹ 10,000 /- (one time during the PDF tenure). In addition to the Fellowship mentioned above, the Post-doctoral Fellows are eligible for accommodation facility as per existing PRL Rules. If accommodation is not provided, HRA will be paid as per PRL rules. If the accommodation provided is refused by PDF on his/ her own volition then HRA will not be paid.
- Must have at least a Doctorate (Ph. D.)/ thesis submitted for Ph.D. in any field of Science or Engineering. However, the area of research should be compatible and related to those pursued in PRL.
- Also the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Science or Engineering with first class (60%) or equivalent grades at both Bachelor’s and Master’s levels.
The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for the interview. Only after the initial screening of the application and considering the merit of the submitted research proposal, the candidates found suitable will be called for an interview at PRL.
How to Apply?
To download the application form, click here. Candidates applying for the position of Post-Doctoral Fellows need to submit the following documents:
- Scanned copy of the Application in the prescribed format.
- Abstract of the Ph.D. thesis.
- List of Publications.
- Research proposal (maximum of 2000 words) and to be prepared in consultation with the proposed PRL supervisor.
- Detailed Bio-data with details of educational qualifications, age, work experience, etc.
The above document is to be sent via email to email to pdf@prl.res.in. The last date to apply is November 30, 2020.
Email ID: pdf@prl.res.in
For full notification, click the link below.
Physical Research Laboratory Post-Doctoral Fellowships Notification 2020
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