Cisco Recruitment 2020: Applications are invited from fresh graduates for the post of Data Science Analyst at Cisco, Bangalore. The detailed eligibility and applying process further given below in the article.
So Cisco Systems, Inc. is an American multinational technology conglomerate headquartered in San Jose, California, in the center of Silicon Valley. Also Cisco develops, manufactures and sells networking hardware, software, telecommunications equipment and other high-technology services and products.
Cisco Recruitment 2020:
- Must have at least aBE / B Tech / MBA / M.Tech / MS
- Also, have an Experience in Data Science & analytics; 0-2 years of experience
- Moreover, the ability to work cross-functionally; Very strong in business analytics, Previous experience in services will be helpful.
- Exposure to operational and financial data;
- Last must have a Good in communication (ability to articulate analysis and present)
Desired Skills
- Experience using statistical computer languages (R, Python, SLQ, etc.) to manipulate data and draw insights from large data sets.
- Strong in both, operational and financial data analysis
- Knowledge of a variety of machine learning techniques (clustering, decision tree learning, artificial neural networks, etc.) and their real-world advantages/drawbacks.
- Knowledge of advanced statistical techniques and concepts (regression, properties of distributions, statistical tests and proper usage, etc.) and experience with applications.
- Mine and analyze data from company databases to drive optimization and improvement of product development, marketing techniques and business strategies.
- Assess the effectiveness and accuracy of new data sources and data gathering techniques.
- Develop custom data models and algorithms to apply to data sets.
- Ability to work on multiple assignments in parallel and keep up with deadlines and quality
- Articulate complex data in business terms and make recommendations
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills for coordinating across teams.
- A drive to learn and master new technologies and techniques.
- Skill to extract intelligence from data, derive business insights and present to business
How to Apply?
Interested applicants can apply for the post through further below link
To Apply: this link.
For more details, click the link below.
Data Science Analyst at Cisco, Bangalore
You Must also show interest in IBM Webinar Course 2020 on Creating a Spark for AI