GB Pant NIHE recruitment 2020:Applications are invited only from Indian citizens for the purely project based temporary positions under various projects at Kosi-Katarmal (Almora) campus of the Institute. The detailed eligibility and applying process further given below in the article.
So G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (formerly known as G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development) was established in 1988-89, during the birth centenary year of Bharat Ratna Pt. Also Govind Ballabh Pant, as an autonomous Institute of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India, which has been identified as a focal agency to advance scientific knowledge, to evolve integrated management strategies, demonstrate their efficacy for conservation of natural resources, and to ensure environmentally sound development in the entire Indian Himalayan Region (IHR).
GB Pant NIHE recruitment 2020:
Project Scientist
Project Name: UPCB funded project title „Preparation of District/State Environment Plan‟
Eligibility: Ph.D. in Environmental Science/Botany or allied. 1st class master’s degree in Environment Science/Botany or allied. At least five years of working experience in relevant subject after Ph.D.
Desirable: Extensive filed experience in the Himalayan region.
Salary: @ Rs. 56,000/- PM +HRA
Age Limit: 40 Years*
Project Name: UPCB funded project title „Preparation of District/State Environment Plan‟
Eligibility: 1st Class Master Degree in Chemical Sciences/ Environment Science/ Physical Science or related subject with 02 years of experience in required areas Or 1st Class M.Tech Degree in Industrial/ Environmental Engineering or related subject.
Desirable: (i) Experience of environmental data collection and analysis (ii) Skills of editing scientific reports and document designing and technical report preparation (iii) Strong foundation in focus group research and analytical skills.
Salary: Rs. 30,000/- fixed
Age limit: 32 years*
Junior Research Fellow
Project Name: Institute-funded project title „Fostering Climate Smart Communities in the Indian Himalayan Region‟.
Eligibility: 1st Class Master Degree in Environmental Management/ Environmental Science/Botany/Horticulture or allied subject. Or M.Tech Degree in Environmental Engineering or allied subject.
Desirable: (i) Experience of environmental data collection and analysis. (ii) Knowledge of working with statistical software (iii) Working experience in the Himalayan region.
Salary: Rs. 20,000/- + 1,800 HRA as per norms
Age limit: 28 years*
Field Assistant
Project Name: In house project entitled „Mainstreaming Himalayan Biodiversity for sustainable development.‟
Qualification: Intermediate with 5 years experience of working in Himalayan region for nursery development, restoration of degraded lands, medicinal, research data collection, etc.
Desirable: Experience of working with Himalayan communities.
Salary: Rs. 12,000/ p.m. fixed
Age limit: 40 years*
How to apply?
Candidate having appropriate qualifications in relevant subject/specialization with consistently good academic records and experience may send their application form in the prescribed format with all supporting documents (i.e. educational, experience, etc.) to the undersigned by e-mail (os[at] on or before 03.11.2020.
It is essential to mention the name of project and position applied for and post code number in the subject area of mail. Application in the prescribed format will only be accepted.
Project Positions at GB Pant NIHE, Almora.
You Must also show interest in IIT Kharagpur Course on Introduction to Glass Science & Technology