IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2020: Application invited for the post of Project positions under various projects for the year 2020. The eligibility detail and applying process further given below in the article.
So it’s a public technical and research university established by the government of India in 1951. It is the first of the IITs to be established and is recognised as an Institute of National Importance.
IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2020:
JRF- Research
Project title: So the project title Detection of Ships and Submarines by its Wake Signature using Computational Fluid Dynamics (SWF)
Sponsor: Naval Research Board (NRB)
Qualification: BTech in Civil/ Mechanical/ Ocean Engg with experience with instruments.
Salary: Upto Rs. 24000 (depending upon qualification & experience)
Age limit: 24
PI: Hari V Warrior
JRF/ SRF- Research (2 Posts)
Project title: Operational Coastal Flood Management through Short-to-Medium Range (Real-time) Flood Vulnerability Mapping in the Brahmani-Baitarani River Basin Integrating Human and Climate-Induced Impacts (OFM)
Qualification: JRF: MTech / ME in Water Resources, Hydrology, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, Land and Water Engineering, or Hydroinformatics with CGPA > 8, OR Marks > 80%. @ 31000/-pm SRF: Same as above with two years research experience. @ 35000/- pm.
PI: Bhabagrahi Sahoo
Age limit: 35
Junior Research Fellow
Project title: A Comprehensive Framework for Adversarial Evaluation of Random Number Generators: Theory and Implementation (FEN)
Sponsor: SERB-DST
Qualification: B.E./B.Tech. with valid GATE/NET score, or M.E./M.Tech. in CS/CSE/IT or related specialization, with a consistently good academic record, with at least 8.0 CGPA in B.Tech. and M.E./M.Tech. (if applicable), and at least 80% marks in Higher Secondary (12th) or equivalent. The candidate is expected to pursue a Ph.D. at the CSE department of IIT Kharagpur.
Experience: Mathematical maturity and good programming expertise.
Salary: Upto Rs. 31000 (depending upon qualification & experience)
PI: Rajat Subhra Chakraborty
Age limit: 27 Years
Junior Project Assistant
Project title: Nanomaterial based Breath Analyzer Device to Sense Appropriate Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) for Non-invasive Screening of Diabetes (NVV)
Sponsor: Tata Consultancy Services
Qualification: At least BTech/BE or equivalent in Electronics Telecom or Material Science or Nanoscience is required for the position. Marks: Class X- at least 70% Class X- at least 70% BTech/ BE- at least 8 CGPA or 75%.
Experience: nano-material synthesis, micro-controller programming, working experience in gas sensor.
PI: Prasanta Kumar Guha
Salary: Upto Rs.20000 (depending upon qualification & experience)
Junior Research Fellow
Project title: Long-Term Changes in Winter Blooms in the Arabian Sea: Characteristics and Physical Forcing (WBA)
Qualification: M. Sc (with valid GATE/NET score) OR M. Tech. in Physical Oceanography/Oceanography/ Atmospheric Science. Excellent programming skills in C, R, Fortran, Matlab, and Python.
Experience: Experience in numerical modelling. Knowledge in Physical Oceanography and Ocean-biogeochemistry.
PI: Jayanarayanan Kuttippurath
Sponsor: Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad
Age limit: 28
Salary: Upto Rs.31000 (depending upon qualification & experience)
Project title: Development of Software Tool for Multi-and Hyperspectral Data Processing of Earth Science Data for Integration of Spatio-Spectral Information for Mineral Identification and Mapping using Deep Learning Neural Network and Graph-cut based Method (TIM).
Sponsor: ISRO. IIT KGP
Qualification: JRF: B. Tech in mining/ computer science/mathematics with valid GATE/NET score. @ 31000/-pm SRF: Same as above with two years of research experience. @ 35000/-pm.
PI: Biswajit Samanta
Salary: Upto Rs.35000 (depending upon qualification & experience)
Project Positions at IIT Kharagpur.
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